We are a Sussex based golf society, set up and run by a group of keen volunteers. We welcome members from across the LGBT+ community and their friends. Primarily our members are women who have developed a love of the game through playing golf together, and we also welcome friends from near & far. Our focus is having fun whilst playing golf and sharing the love of the game with others, both those new to the game and the more experienced. We run events for all standards: pitch & putt for fun and sharpening the short game, lessons for both newcomer and more experienced, 9 and 18 hole days out and weekends away. We have a society handicap system to try and make sure our events run on as level a playing field as possible. The emphasis is on enjoyment. Our events are advertised on here, and sign up for an event will be through Society Golfing (www.societygolfing.co.uk). When you join, you'll get access to this. To enquire about joining us, please send us an email; [email protected]. or see the information page on this site.
Organised events will be found on our Events page, but please use the WhatsApp group to organise some outings amongst yourselves until we are able to have more people attending... There are some local courses that are currently accepting green fees... details of these can be found on the Events page too.